The Threads of Fate: The Divining Sisters Book 3 - blurb and book trailer here!

The Threads of Fate (The Divining Sisters Book 3) - out now since 9/26/23

Book Blurb for The Threads of Fate

After reuniting in Salem, Mass., Alex, Izzy, and Hazel begin to retrace the threads of fate that bind them to better understand where this journey is leading them. As their enemies close in and up the stakes, the pieces of their past start to shift into place, revealing key details about their destiny set in motion lifetimes ago. Will learning more about their past incarnations help them overcome their fears to embrace their shared mission, or will the adversaries reemerging from their past stop them before stepping into their full power? 

The Divining Sisters is a fictional divination series that follows a group of women who are witches, healers, and diviners in multiple lives, and they reincarnate lifetime after lifetime to reunite with their coven so they can fulfill a mission of keeping their craft of divination, healing, and magic alive for future generations. 

The series focuses on reconnecting with past-life gifts, sisterhood, empowerment through facing fears, & learning to step out of the shadows to embrace their intuitive gifts that help them not only heal themselves but each other.

Trigger warning: This book series covers the historical witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts and all across Europe, delving into the harrowing details of the persecutions, accusations, and unjust treatment and torture that took place during those times. These scenes may be distressing for some individuals.  

Watch the book trailer for Book 3 below

Universal link where you can preorder the ebooks now on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, Google Play, Kobo, Scribd, Smashwords and more. Paperbacks on Amazon

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